Adidas is celebrating Five Ten Week with 20% off Five Ten shoes and clothing now through May 10. Now is a great time to refresh your current mountain bike shoes with some of Five Ten’s new earth toned or neon styles.

Five Ten Kestrel Boa Shoe
$230.00 | $184.00 sale
The Five Ten Kestrel Boa has been redesigned for this season as more of a slim-fitting downcountry clipless shoe. Two velcro straps help secure your shoes quickly and the BOA ensures a fine-tuned fit.
- Buy from Adidas: Men’s | Women’s

Five Ten Freerider Pro
$160.00 | $128.00 sale
The Five Ten Freerider Pro is a flat pedal favorite among mountain bikers for its super sticky Stealth rubber and supportive pedaling platform. Multiple colors and canvas styles available. Of course, the original Freerider (men’s | women’s) is also 20% off.
- Buy from Adidas: Men’s | Women’s

Five Ten Trailcross
$160.00 – $165.00 | $128.00 – $132.00 sale
We haven’t met a Trailcross shoe that we didn’t like yet! This running shoe meets mountain bike shoe proves comfortable for walking or hike-a-biking, as well as being nice and breathable for summer rides. See what our testers have to say about both the flat pedal and clipless versions of the Trailcross shoes.
- Buy Trailcross Clip-in at Adidas: Men’s | Women’s
- Buy Trailcross XT (flat pedal) at Adidas: Men’s | Women’s
I’m more convinced every time I read an article here that mountain biking has been coopted by folks with more money than sense. $100+ for shoes to ride bikes in? Not.
Also, who needs 3 shoes?
12k for a bike and 200 for a pair of shoes. Meanwhile, there are people stupid enough to jump in line to pay as much as possible for as little as possible in return.
Hey folks! We don’t need to call people stupid for spending their money and time on the things they love. Life is short, get the shoes!
Fair enough; “stupid” may not be the best word for people who seem to get their enjoyment primarily by outspending their fellows. It’s early and I’m only into my first cup of coffee, but I’ll come up with a better word.
With a bit of effort I’ll find a word which also captures the attitude that we need to buy the most expensive equipment we can find to show everyone else how serious we are about our recreational activities.
Might be a whole article in there somewhere…
“Conspicuous consumerism.” I’m a confessed cheapskate. Nobody buys a Rolex watch because Rolexes are 10,000x better at telling the wearer what time it is. The quality is admirable but unnecessary for the purpose.
By all means, people who earn their money are free to spend it any way they wish. But, others are equally free to have an opinion.
Guide Tennie was awesome and no mo… Sux!